Project Name

BWM – Workshop 4 Dam Construction

Project Value:

4 million

Time Frame:

6 months

Scope of works:

  • Excavation and construction of the MAW dam and sediment basin, including gravel capped exclusion bund, concrete cut-off wall and spillway;
  • Site preparation including waste removal and ground preparation as required;
  • Construction of culverts and open drainage along the western and northern laydown yard and associated bunds;
  • Reinstatement of road pavement and cover material overlying constructed culverts and PE100mm HDPE pipe;
  • Installation and commissioning of HDPE pipe and associated infrastructure including air valves, road crossings, pipe supports, and warning signs, trenching and associated civil works to Tannyfoil MAW dam;
  •  Installation and commissioning of electrical, pumping equipment and infrastructure including fuel tank and generator;